Last week I talked (or wrote, what­ev­er) about 5 Great Places to Put Your Visions Boards I men­tioned that I re-do my vision boards in Jan­u­ary. So it’s time for me to real­ly start think­ing about what I want in my life in my future. I’m not talk­ing about the New Year’s res­o­lu­tions that we all make and no one ever keeps, but the real navel-gaz­ing we can’t help but do as the wheel turns. I didn’t make a new vision board last year. So much of it would be the same and I real­ly liked the board that I had. But I am def­i­nite­ly going to make a new board this year.  A lot of the infor­ma­tion is still the same, but I am going to just do it for the year as opposed to the next sev­er­al years (which is how I did the last one.)
The first part (and for me the most fun) to mak­ing a vision board is get­ting the images. I always grab way more images than I need, but you may want to have an idea on how big you want your board to be before you start col­lect­ing images. So here are my top 5 favorite places to get images for my vision boards

Pin­ter­est- The first two on this list are no brain­ers. Pin­ter­est is basi­cal­ly a con­tent shar­ing site rather than a pho­tog­ra­phy shar­ing site, but it is a great source for pho­tographs. You may need to get a lit­tle cre­ative with your search terms. The best part about pin­ter­est is you can cre­ate a vir­tu­al vision board that can hold all the images you find all over the inter­net. But be nice. When you add a web image to your pin boards pre­serve the links. Don’t down­load the image and then upload them to your boards.

Flickr- Flickr is an actu­al pho­to shar­ing site and it’s users tend to be very good about tag­ging images. So it can be so much eas­i­er to find pho­tos of a spe­cif­ic place or object.

Google+- I know your like “Say what?” But Google+ is a great place to find pho­tos. The first peo­ple to adopt Google+ as their social media of choice were pho­tog­ra­phers. It is so much more pho­to friend­ly than face­book or twit­ter and pho­tog­ra­phers take advan­tage of that. There are hash­tags, com­mu­ni­ties and pho­to theme days.

CC Search- None of the pho­tog­ra­phers that I know would mind you using their pics for a vision board, but this site lets you search from a vari­ety of places for images licensed under a Cre­ative Com­mons license.  You can put your search top­ic in the box and pick from one of resources to search.

Google Image Search- Last but not least is a good old fash­ioned image search.  Just pop your search terms in to Google and scan through the images.


For me it tends to be pret­ty easy to find images, but if you are inter­est­ed in cre­at­ing a hap­pi­er fam­i­ly sit­u­a­tion or more suc­cess­ful busi­ness then you can still find images of laugh­ing fam­i­lies, peo­ple in busi­ness suits smil­ing, or busy stores to put on your boards.  Remem­ber to have fun with it. What is your favorite place to get images?