One of the things that I believe all who try to fol­low the Law of Attrac­tion face is judg­ing our emo­tions. We know that it is our emo­tions that attract and when­ev­er we feel neg­a­tive emo­tions (or any­thing less than pos­i­tive) we start to judge our­selves. But this is the worst thing you can do. Once again I have to cred­it Excuse Me Your Life is Now with help­ing me. We need to accept our emo­tions. Even if they aren’t ide­al from a Law of Attrac­tion stand point.


By accept­ing your emo­tions your attract emo­tions that you can accept. I had a great post writ­ten about this and the offline blog edi­tor I was using lost it. There have been days that I have been upset about some­thing. When I fight against those feel­ings it seems they stick around. I feel low and then I feel bad about feel­ing bad. I start to obsess about all the neg­a­tiv­i­ty I am attract­ing and then I start to dread all the bad things I am attract­ing in to my life. It is a vicious cycle. One we must learn to break.


It took me a while to under­stand the point in accept­ing the neg­a­tive emo­tions. I could­n’t see how being okay with the neg­a­tive emo­tions would help. But when I decid­ed to take a leap of faith and give it a shot I dis­cov­ered some­thing amaz­ing. If I just accept­ed that I was sad or mad and did­n’t resist that feel­ings went away. Quick­ly. It is almost amaz­ing how quick­ly the feel­ings fad­ed.  I have tried singing, med­i­tat­ing and think­ing hap­py thoughts in the past and all that seemed to do was put a lay­er of hap­py over the bad. Even if all it left was a tiny knot of neg­a­tiv­i­ty it would still be there. But accept­ing the emo­tions got rid of them com­plete­ly. I remem­ber being upset and cry­ing one day. I don’t even remem­ber why, but it seemed like less than a minute after I said “This is how I am feel­ing and I accept that,” that the feel­ings fad­ed and I was at peace.


When we lost Kia, the last of our orig­i­nal wolves I fought my tears for a while, because I was out to din­ner with my fam­i­ly when I found out. But when I got back in to my car and said “Okay, I am going to cry and mourn and it is okay,” I felt a peace about it. No, that did­n’t make it instant­ly bet­ter and I still cried for sev­er­al min­utes, but it was much eas­i­er on me than I antic­i­pat­ed and much eas­i­er than the oth­er ani­mals that we have lost.


So when you are frus­trat­ed, when you are sad, when you are angry just accept it. Say “I’m okay with my feel­ings.” Before you know it, you will be. I have come to the con­clu­sion that Resis­tance real­ly is futile. You will be assim­i­lat­ed in to the neg­a­tiv­i­ty that per­me­ates our cul­ture. But if you accept then you can move past the neg­a­tiv­i­ty and live a life less ordinary.