I did make an offer on one of those boats and while that boat is still avail­able, he did­n’t respond. But I decid­ed that is a good thing. While I could have worked on the boat through Sep­tem­ber the amount of time it would have tak­en to sail down to Key West would have added quite a bit to my costs in food and fuel for that journey.

I am now search­ing almost exclu­sive­ly in Flori­da. I promised my boss I would stay until the end of Sep­tem­ber so she can take a trip with her fam­i­ly. So I am still shop­ping for boats, but am a lit­tle hes­i­tant to buy some­thing too ear­ly, not just because of the addi­tion­al cost of moor­ing a boat, but because boats don’t like to sit emp­ty. The one we had in Charleston was flood­ed every time I showed up because the bilge pump did­n’t have a float switch.  I am going to real­ly tight­en down on my bud­get through the month of Sep­tem­ber, but there are a few things I need to get (like a PFD for Vivre and a repair kit for the kayak.) As that would make this a bit less stress­ful, but if I don’t go this fall then I won’t have any mon­ey by next year, plus win­ter is Key West­’s tourist sea­son and the time of the year they are going to be hir­ing addi­tion­al help. I had a card read­ing done for me last night. It was inter­est­ing, par­tic­u­lar­ly the card rep­re­sent­ing the next 3 months “Ready? Set? Go!” I cracked up when the card was turned over. Espe­cial­ly since it fol­lowed the “Explore your options,” card. Of course now that I have said that I remem­ber the Ora­cle card for the month of Sep­tem­ber that I pulled back in Jan­u­ary was all about pover­ty con­scious­ness and self sab­o­tage. So I need to watch that. But I know one thing for sure. I am going, and some how or anoth­er I will make it work. This is too impor­tant, too nec­es­sary for me not to fol­low through.