Okay I am not ashamed to admit it. I am freak­ing out. (Alright, I am a lit­tle ashamed to admit it.) I always thought that once I got this close to actu­al­ly going I would be just real­ly hap­py and excit­ed. Instead I am get­ting total­ly stressed. The real­i­ty of how much that I have to get done is start­ing to feel a lit­tle overwhelming.

I’m look­ing at all the things I should have been doing, but did­n’t and kick­ing myself. Like train­ing Vivre to get in the kayak. Of course the kayak has a hole in it that needs to be fixed. If it can be fixed. I need to start trans­fer­ring my videos to my hard dri­ves and fig­ur­ing out which ones I real­ly want to take. I have a low trust lev­el for dvd fold­ers. When I was in high school I had one full on cds and the heat and humid­i­ty caused the cds to stick to the plas­tic front. When I pulled the cd out it destroyed the cd. I then found anoth­er type of fold­er for my com­put­er dvds and they quit working.

I also haven’t got­ten PFDs for Vivre and the cats or har­ness­es for the cats. I need to get 12 volt charg­ers for all my elec­tron­ics. The phone will be easy, but the mac­book will be hard because apple does­n’t make one and won’t let any­one else legal­ly make one. So I am stuck buy­ing one from chi­na and hop­ing that it holds up. I also need 12 volt charg­ers for my nooks and my cam­era. Yes, I can run an invert­er. But invert­ers waste a lot of ener­gy and when you are run­ning an off the grid solar sys­tem that is a big deal.

I also have to admit to not hav­ing the house ready. So there is a lot of pack­ing. Even the things I don’t take I want packed up for stor­age. There is also the boat stuff that still needs to be done. Of course I have no idea what that is since I still haven’t found a boat. I did send out a cou­ple of emails for more infor­ma­tion. The solar set-up and the air flow are my two biggest con­cerns. I need ener­gy to live and I need a num­ber of fans and prob­a­bly screens for the hatch­es to make sure that the boat stays cool enough for the ani­mals dur­ing the day. I prob­a­bly also need to get net­ting to put around the life­lines. I would like to get to the place where I don’t have to con­fine the ani­mals to the cab­in dur­ing the day, but there needs to be some safe­ty train­ing done before that can happen.

When I think about what my life will look like in 6 months I do get excit­ed. First I have to man­age to look past the pile of things on my cur­rent “To Do” list. I will prob­a­bly feel bet­ter when I actu­al­ly start get­ting stuff knocked off my list. I’m plan­ning on putting that the­o­ry to the test this week.