I am so hap­py about the Sco­tus rul­ing. I have so many friends and loved ones who have been in same sex rela­tion­ships for years and are now grant­ed the same rights to mar­ry as every­body else. But we should all know by now that Chris­tians are not good losers. I’m sor­ry, I know that is a hor­ri­ble gen­er­al­iza­tion and I want to give a huge shout out to the Epis­co­palian church for prov­ing that not all Chris­tians are like that, but the reac­tion and behav­ior of peo­ple across the coun­try and here in Ken­tucky is just so hard for me to understand.

We have sev­er­al coun­ty clerks in Ken­tucky who are refus­ing to give mar­riage licens­es to same sex cou­ples, oth­ers who are try­ing to force same sex cou­ples to get their mar­riage licens­es on line. I was expect­ing it to get nasty. I was expect­ing peo­ple to quit. There was an entire cour­t­house in Ken­tucky that quit rather than give out same sex mar­riage licens­es. And while I don’t agree with their stance I respect the fact that they were will­ing to stand behind their con­vic­tions Unlike the peo­ple who are refus­ing to do their jobs, still col­lect­ing a pay­check and will even­tu­al­ly gave because they are giv­en no choice, only to lat­er use this grand­stand­ing to either launch a larg­er polit­i­cal career. (Yes, I am a wee bit cynical.)

What kills me is the hypocrisy. I know a woman who works for the coun­ty clerks office and is defend­ing her boss. This woman is a mixed race woman. Accord­ing to the bible she shouldn’t be able to mar­ry. Her exis­tence is as offen­sive bib­li­cal­ly. And nobody is see­ing, or at least pay­ing atten­tion to the correlation.

I just don’t under­stand why it is such a big deal to them. We have this awe­some thing in this coun­try called the sep­a­ra­tion of church and state, so you can’t deny some­body their rights based on reli­gious beliefs. Nobody is telling them they have to sup­port gay mar­riage, but they have to do their jobs. They have to pro­vide mar­riage licens­es for same sex cou­ples, just like mixed race cou­ples and just like divorcees who are get­ting re-married.

Peo­ple are so divid­ed on this issue and it is real­ly hard for me. And it makes me miss Key West all the more. The town mot­to is “One Human Fam­i­ly,” and while I am not going to pre­tend that Key West is some awe­some utopia where intol­er­ance doesn’t exist, intol­er­ance isn’t tol­er­at­ed the same way there as it is here. I remem­ber when I was in high school a col­lec­tion of church­es on the island wouldn’t let the gay church­es par­tic­i­pate in the christ­mas parade and it wasn’t tak­en well by the com­mu­ni­ty as a whole.

I am no Chris­t­ian, but real or not I do have a great deal of respect for the val­ues that Jesus taught. Why can’t the peo­ple who fol­low Chris­tian­i­ty fol­low Christ’s example?