I let the 40 ft boat go. I decid­ed that as awe­some and beau­ti­ful as the boat was I would basi­cal­ly be chang­ing my plans so that I could own some­thing. And while I am no longer going to auto­mat­i­cal­ly dis­count boats that are on the west coast I decid­ed that I wasn’t going to pur­chase that one.

So does that mean I am get­ting the oth­er boat? Well.. No. I sent an email to the own­er offer­ing what he was ask­ing as his open­ing bid and he hasn’t respond­ed to me. I have emailed him twice now. So I don’t know if he just doesn’t want to admit that he wasn’t will­ing to sell it for that amount even though that was the open­ing big, or what. So right now I am still look­ing. There are a few oth­ers that have come up, but none that real­ly speak to me.

Hav­ing said that I have made great progress in clear­ing out the house and am keep­ing an eye on boats avail­able. I am get­ting ready to go, and I just can’t stand the thought of not leav­ing. It isn’t that I don’t love this moun­tain. The moun­tain is a part of me, but I have to get away from Ken­tucky for a while. I need to feel the breeze, smell the briny sea air. I need to be able to be self­ish, to just need to think about me for a while and not be con­stant­ly con­cerned about what is hap­pen­ing up here. And since we have more peo­ple involved now, and Sam is mov­ing up here I can be con­fi­dent that every­thing up here will be treat­ed well and cared for.

I will admit that briefly last night I was con­sid­er­ing scratch­ing the boat idea, buy­ing an RV and tak­ing off for the desert. And while that might eas­i­er and cer­tain­ly cool, it isn’t where I am right now.  I long for boat liv­ing. I know that it will be com­pli­cat­ed, but hon­est­ly my life now is com­pli­cat­ed. I am ready for a new and dif­fer­ent kind of complicated.

I will keep you updat­ed on the boat front, but I won’t start feel­ing pres­sure to find a boat until around labor day.  Fin­gers crossed and good thoughts to the uni­verse that I find the boat that will be per­fect for me right now. But I will set­tle for the one that will work for me for right now.