Once I have the pic­tures and text blocks past­ed to my vision board I also add and empow­er sym­bols to help the process along.  Because I’ve been doing this for years I leave spots for some of the larg­er sym­bols, but oth­ers, like the runes, I just add in where ever there is room.

Elder Futhark Runes are a sys­tem of 24 unique sym­bols used in both div­ina­tion and mag­ick. Mul­ti­ple runes can be com­bined togeth­er for spe­cif­ic pur­pos­es. These are called Bind Runes.  In addi­tion to using bind runes on my vision board I have also burned them in to small wood­en discs to be used as charms.

Ogham- Is the celtic tree alpha­bet. Each tree has a spe­cif­ic mean­ing that, like the runes, can be used for both div­ina­tion and magick.

Rei­ki Sym­bols- I am a Rei­ki prac­tion­er so I tend to use Rei­ki sym­bols,  (espe­cial­ly the pow­er sym­bol) when doing mag­ick. Tech­ni­cal­ly you aren’t sup­posed to share the sym­bols, but I don’t real­ly give a shit. Knowl­edge should be shared not hoarded.

Janar­ric Sea Runes–  I first found these in Mer­maid Mag­ic: Con­nect­ing With the Ener­gy of the Ocean and the Heal­ing Pow­er of Water.  These are used by Ital­ian Sea Witch­es. I am found of these runes, but I like any­thing oceany.

And here is a Pin­ter­est Board with a large vari­ety of sym­bols. It is best if you use sym­bols that you work with reg­u­lar­ly and have mean­ing to you, how­ev­er it nev­er hurts to look around, because you may dis­cov­er a sym­bol or sys­tem of sym­bols that speaks to you.


Check out the oth­er posts in this series:

5 Great Places to Keep Your Vision Board

5 Great Places to Find Vision Board Images