So I’ve start­ed this blog, but haven’t real­ly explained who I am. My name is Becky and cur­rent­ly live in Ken­tucky. I’ve also lived in Charleston, SC and Key West, Flori­da. I’ve swam with man­a­tees and sharks, worked with a world cham­pi­on horse train­er, owned a world cham­pi­on Quar­ter Horse and cur­rent­ly work with wolves and wolf­dogs at an envi­ron­men­tal and humane edu­ca­tion cen­ter. Actu­al­ly I’ve been work­ing with the wolves and the dogs for a num­ber of years now. It was an amaz­ing dream. Teach­ing peo­ple about the envi­ron­ment, and wildlife. When peo­ple hear about what I do they inevitably say “That is so cool!”  And it is cool, but it is also a lot of work. Then again I guess every­thing worth doing is.Witch

I plan to head south. Buy anoth­er sail­boat and head back to Key West for a while. Enjoy the sun, the sea, and the won­der­ful con­cern for the envi­ron­ment. So why blog about it? Because after that I want to cruise around the Caribbean for a while. Because there isn’t any­thing spe­cial about me. (I mean oth­er than the whole every­body is spe­cial crap.) And if I can accom­plish my dreams then so can you. This is going to sound a lit­tle more Pollyan­na than you would nor­mal­ly hear from me, but I think that the rea­son we have so many nasty peo­ple in the world is because they are unhap­py in their own lives. And the more of us who live our dreams and can con­vince oth­ers to do the same the bet­ter the world will become.

So if you are read­ing this you will like­ly see posts on man­i­fes­ta­tion, on prac­ti­cal actions and on green liv­ing. (And prob­a­bly ran­dom Doc­tor Who ref­er­ences.) Why green liv­ing? Well part­ly because I believe that remov­ing tox­ins from our lives makes us feel bet­ter and if we are health­i­er we have more ener­gy and are hap­pi­er. But most­ly because this is my blog and I think that pro­tect­ing the envi­ron­ment is important.

Do you have a dream you’d like to man­i­fest in your life? What is it?