A cou­ple of months ago I was read­ing an arti­cle from Smartblogger.com about the truth behind too lit­tle time. It is well worth a read, but the impor­tant part for our con­ver­sa­tion is that uncer­tain­ty is the root cause of peo­ple not hav­ing time to blog. I think that is dead on. I can tell you when I start­ed look­ing at my time, all my time I was shocked at how much time I actu­al­ly have in a day.

That com­bined with a ran­dom com­ment in an email from Car­olyn Elliot about the uncon­scious mind mess­ing up mag­ick got me think­ing. (BTW I am tak­ing her course Influ­ence right now. Total­ly awe­some. I mean I can’t even…)

One of the first posts I did on this blog pro­vid­ed a work­sheet to dis­cov­er poten­tial man­i­fes­ta­tion blocks. It involved tak­ing a clos­er look at your desires, how they will real­ly affect your life and how they will affect those around you. While very help­ful for help­ing to dis­cov­er poten­tial areas of con­cern or blocks it does­n’t pro­vide any answers for deal­ing with those problems.

Back at the begin­ning of July I decid­ed to try some­thing else. I pulled out my jour­nal and made myself write at least 3 pages  (8.5 X 11) of worst case sce­nar­ios based around my desires. I wrote every­thing I could think of and then right after it I wrote how I would han­dle it if it hap­pened.  Some­things did­n’t have a good answer, for instance, if I move on the boat and it sinks when I am at work with all the ani­mals on board. That would be hor­ri­ble and dev­as­tat­ing. But no more or less than if my house burned down while I was at work. You can’t remove all risk.

Oth­er con­cerns, such as get­ting Vivre enough exer­cise sim­ply require acknowl­edg­ing the prob­lem and know­ing that there are work­able options to pur­sue. So when I was done I had 3 pages of things that could (and prob­a­bly will) go wrong with my desire to live on the boat part of the year. But now I also know that it isn’t as bad as all that. And even if it is I faced the fact that even in a worst case sce­nario, it is still some­thing I want to do.