Recently I had a conversation with a friend and when I brought up the fact that most of my family isn’t happy with my plans to move on to a boat and live in the islands she asked “Will they at least be happy for you when you are happy?” Of course they will, but I do have several relatives who (like me) have read all kinds of things talking about how life isn’t good or bad. That life is how you see it.
Sure life is what you make it, where ever you are and what ever you are doing, but there are something things that you shouldn’t let go. I mean I’ve read all the books that tell you that it isn’t what is in your life now, but what you are focusing on and that all you need to do to be happy and fulfilled is to change your focus. I’m calling bullshit on that. Yes, there is some element of truth to that. If you spend time focusing on what you don’t like about your life you will be miserable. But if there are parts of your life that don’t work for you then change them. Don’t say that you should just be able to change your outlook, or even that you can focus on what you want and it will magically appear.
I am a pagan, vegan eco-girl. I also have several gay friends who have very difficult lives because of their sexual orientation and where we live. I wanted to be around people who were more open minded, more eco-minded and that I had more in common with. And I did. I found (created in my life) a job where they schedule river and road side trash clean ups, with multiple vegetarian and vegan employees and with all the gay employees nobody seems to survive there if they aren’t accepting of that, even though we are in the bible belt. This is pretty cool and a good example of where you can create in your life without major changes. But I found for me it isn’t enough. I want to be in a different place, I want to be around larger numbers of people who are like this and I don’t want to be faced with the prejudices and (and okay I am getting judgy,) ignorances of the other people I meet. And dammit I am not going to feel guilty about that.
I am not going to feel guilty or inadequate that I am not metaphysically manifesting the life I want here. I’m not going to feel guilty that I want to make these major changes to my life. I am not deluding myself in to thinking that if I make these changes everything will be peachy and I will live in a lovely world of sunshine, rainbows and world peace. But it will allow me to be around people that I can talk to without fantasizing about what will happen to them during the zombie apocalypse. So I guess the point of this little rant is that while you should focus on what you like in your life rather than what you don’t it is okay to say “This isn’t working for me anymore,” or “I would rather focus my manifesting on this other part of my life.”
So take a look at your life and everything you like about it and what you’d like to change. Be brave and make those changes. Even if nobody agrees you should. Most people will question your choices, but that is another rant.