I am going to be cel­e­brat­ing today! Big Splashy cel­e­bra­tion to wel­come 2015. I won’t be at a par­ty or any­thing like that, but I will cel­e­brate in my own lit­tle way. Last year I spent New Years Day euth­a­niz­ing my 14 year old Ger­man Shep­herd mix. The day before we had to have our 30 year old horse euth­a­nized. The year pret­ty much con­tin­ued in that vein. By the end of 2014 we had lost 9 ani­mals to old age. I work with a wolf-dog sanc­tu­ary and envi­ron­men­tal humane edu­ca­tion orga­ni­za­tion and we have a lot of elder­ly animals.
It was a year of death, fam­i­ly ill­ness­es, and my first ever car acci­dents. (Yep, notice the plur­al.) As I start­ed review­ing the year I real­ized that I accom­plished noth­ing. Noth­ing might be a bit of a stretch, I start­ed to accom­plish some things spir­i­tu­al­ly and I real­ly start­ed to green up my life more so I was walk­ing my talk. But as far as big pic­ture stuff, the things that I want to accom­plish, the things I need to do (or at least think I need to do,) to send my life in the direc­tion that I’d like for it to go, not a thing.
But despite my total lack of a Pollyan­na atti­tude I do believe that there is an upside to that. I have real­ly start­ed to get my ass in gear. I don’t ever want to look around and real­ize that I have wast­ed an entire year again. So I guess if it keeps me on track then the year wasn’t a total waste.
I have been bounc­ing back and forth for almost a year about how I want­ed to set this blog up, did I want to make it a green liv­ing blog, or a kind of prac­ti­cal witchy blog. So I’ve decid­ed to do both. Burn­ing herbs and using affir­ma­tions are easy, but so many, (myself includ­ed) skip the prac­ti­cal mun­dane steps that actu­al­ly take work. So I’m going to share the prac­ti­cal and the witchy steps I take to man­i­fest the life that I want. I’ll share what works for me and what doesn’t. As well as my tips for green liv­ing, because pagan­ism is a very earthy reli­gion and we can all make sim­ple steps towards mak­ing our plan­et a health­i­er place to live.