Last year on this day I was so excit­ed to see 2014 end. It had been a hor­ri­ble year and I had eager­ly await­ed it end.  Because the res­cue I work with has so many elder­ly ani­mals we had lost sev­er­al in 2014, and while I knew it would con­tin­ue I hoped it would let up some. Well it did­n’t. Not only did we loose just as many ani­mals in 2015 as we did in 2014 we also lost my cousin to vio­lence and my grand­fa­ther to a stroke. In addi­tion to the deaths in the fam­i­ly my father was laid off when they closed where he worked.

Death has become a theme in my life and when I was recent­ly speak­ing with my moth­er, who was await­ing 2016 with the same enthu­si­asm that I had for 2015, I real­ized that I had lit­tle hope that 2016 would bring less grief.

I’ve actu­al­ly nev­er real­ly been depressed before. And while I am not sure that I was real­ly depressed it left me real­iz­ing that I real­ly held out no hope for 2016. And that was enough to make me real­ly depressed. And odd­ly enough that helped me tremen­dous­ly. My spir­it guides have been on me to make a deci­sion about my life, and while I had made the deci­sion, I had lost all momen­tum toward my goals.

Now  I have great hope for 2016. I found a boat, and while it will need more work that I had real­ly planned on, it is a design that I real­ly love and it comes on a trail­er so it will be worth the extra work. While we still have most­ly old­er ani­mals, they are almost all in pret­ty good shape.

So while 2016 is here and 2015 is gone for good we move for­ward. I will say that while 2015 was a hard year I accom­plished more toward my goals.