I love talk­ing to peo­ple about the law of attrac­tion and man­i­fest­ing our dream lives, but so often those con­ver­sa­tions stop with med­i­ta­tions and affir­ma­tions and don’t go on to what steps we are plan­ning to take in the path to achiev­ing our goals.  I have heard (on mul­ti­ple occa­sions,) “But I shouldn’t have to do XYZ, I should be able to cre­ate it!” And maybe they can, but I like to think about it like a squirt gun. A big pump action squirt gun, like a super soak­er. If you pump real­ly, real­ly hard then you may be able to hit a dis­tant tar­get, but they won’t get very wet. If you move a lit­tle clos­er you don’t have to pump quite as hard and the clos­er you get the more you can soak your target.

Sure there are sto­ries about peo­ple cre­at­ing things out of thin air, but how many hours do you think they spent med­i­tat­ing and visu­al­iz­ing? They still work and work hard to cre­ate what they want, it’s just a dif­fer­ent kind of work. While work­ing on your vision board you will have thought about your dreams. So the next step is to not only make real prac­ti­cal step­ping stones to those goals, but also to look at our lives and see the ways that we can change the way we live our lives to make accom­plish­ing our goals easier.

It can be lit­tle things like meal plan­ning and prep­ping your meals once a week, eat­ing din­ner with your fam­i­ly to com­bine fam­i­ly time with the time you’d spend eat­ing any­way. You could de-clut­ter and down­size your fur­ni­ture and pos­ses­sions so that you have less clean­ing to do. So today (or over the next few days you know, what­ev­er,) take a long look at what you want in life and how you can change your day to day life to make it happen.