I have been so bad about post­ing. Being true to form once I got out of the habit (when my com­put­er crashed) I haven’t got­ten back in to the groove. This has been fur­ther com­pli­cat­ed by the issues plagu­ing the refuge. We have so many old ani­mals and have lost quite two in the last two weeks. We have anoth­er one that needs to be put to sleep soon due to cancer.


So I am going to be back on my post­ing sched­ule, but I am not sure exact­ly what the next few posts will be.  I do know that one of the things I will be work­ing on is from Con­trol Unleashed: Cre­at­ing a Focused and Con­fi­dent Dog. I’m tak­ing a dog blan­ket that is small and easy to car­ry and con­di­tion­ing it as a calm place that can be car­ried around and used in the var­i­ous dog friend­ly places in Key West.  This is a behav­ior than can eas­i­ly be done inside while the spring rains are pour­ing down and leav­ing ankle deep mud in its wake.


Of course I will still need to work on train­ing for the kayak. I may also con­sid­er­ing get­ting a front hook hal­ter for Vivre. She will heel very well, but I don’t want to heel her around town. One, I think that if I am ask­ing for that lev­el of pre­ci­sion and atten­tion from her I should­n’t be ignor­ing her while I wan­der around town and two, that is a lot to ask for any real length. I mean train­ing for the BH requires a lot of heel­ing. Ask­ing her to heel all around town is just too much to ask. From both of us.


I still haven’t got­ten my com­put­er com­plete­ly upgrad­ed, but am research­ing the ways to get the dvd tv shows con­vert­ed to MP4 for­mat. I can do it one episode at a time, but that is time con­sum­ing and then I have to remem­ber which episodes are in what order and/or rename them. I will try to make it to Corbin to get that done this week. So much of the com­put­er stuff can’t be done until the sys­tem is back up to date.