Once again I apol­o­gize, I should be get­ting back on to a more reg­u­lar post­ing sched­ule. Two weeks ago today my cousin was mur­dered. She was my best friend and the per­son I trust­ed most in the world. I’ve spo­ken to her a cou­ple of times since her death, in fact so has most of the fam­i­ly. At least those of us who embrace the woo woo.

She was­n’t afraid to die. For peo­ple like us death isn’t some scary unknown thing. I know, down to my core, that this was her choice. That this was a deci­sion made at a spir­it lev­el, and I think I even know when it changed and entered her field.

I know that she will always be there if I need her. I don’t wor­ry about the fact I can’t pick up the phone because I no longer need a phone. I do mourn the loss of the activ­i­ties we would do, or would have done togeth­er. For instance every year on my birth­day we would go our for Indi­an food, and I know she would have come to Key West for Fan­ta­sy Fest.

One of the things I am hav­ing the hard­est time with is that there isn’t any­body I know who would under­stand the way I see this.  Who under­stands the way I view the world. There are mem­bers of my fam­i­ly who might, but they are too deep in their own grief and anger to be able to under­stand why I’m, well I don’t know what I am.

The one thing I do know is that we have to keep mov­ing for­ward. We have to just let the pieces lie on the round and just keep walk­ing. Oth­er­wise we stop liv­ing too.