So I final­ly got a copy of Final Cut. Unfor­tu­nate­ly the learn­ing curve has been a lit­tle greater than I expect­ed since it got rid of mul­ti­ple time­lines and moved to a mag­net­ic time­line that I find more con­fus­ing.  I have watched sev­er­al tuto­ri­als and have got­ten the hang of the basics. I still have more I need to fig­ure out to get good, but for now I am pleased with my progress.

I am hav­ing an even hard­er time with film­ing. Film­ing your­self is hard. I have start­ed the jour­nal­ing pro­gram from Naked Lens. I was a lit­tle dis­ap­point­ed in the book. The sub title is “Video Blog­ging and Video Jour­nal­ing to Reclaim the YOU in YouTube.” But it has very lit­tle to do with vlog­ging. It is more like an eight week jour­nal­ing challenge.

I am still going through the pro­gram, because I think that it will be effec­tive for help­ing to get more com­fort­able with both film­ing and edit­ing. And if the last 3 days are any indi­ca­tion it will take a while to get the hang of work­ing with the cam­era. The first day I was total­ly out of focus, and both the first days it was much dark­er than it seemed like it should have been.  And on a total­ly super­fi­cial train of though I had no idea the bags under my eyes were so bad. This has not been a flat­ter­ing experience.

I have been debat­ing where to start with the dog train­ing videos, but I think I am going to start with the kayak instead of intro­duc­ing the click­er. There are already sev­er­al resources for teach­ing the click­er and I can eas­i­ly add that lat­er as Vivre is already click­er savvy and I would have to use anoth­er ani­mal for that video anyway.