Last week I talked (or wrote, whatever) about 5 Great Places to Put Your Visions Boards I mentioned that I re-do my vision boards in January. So it’s time for me to really start thinking about what I want in my life in my future. I’m not talking about the New Year’s resolutions that we all make and no one ever keeps, but the real navel-gazing we can’t help but do as the wheel turns. I didn’t make a new vision board last year. So much of it would be the same and I really liked the board that I had. But I am definitely going to make a new board this year. A lot of the information is still the same, but I am going to just do it for the year as opposed to the next several years (which is how I did the last one.)
The first part (and for me the most fun) to making a vision board is getting the images. I always grab way more images than I need, but you may want to have an idea on how big you want your board to be before you start collecting images. So here are my top 5 favorite places to get images for my vision boards
Pinterest- The first two on this list are no brainers. Pinterest is basically a content sharing site rather than a photography sharing site, but it is a great source for photographs. You may need to get a little creative with your search terms. The best part about pinterest is you can create a virtual vision board that can hold all the images you find all over the internet. But be nice. When you add a web image to your pin boards preserve the links. Don’t download the image and then upload them to your boards.
Flickr- Flickr is an actual photo sharing site and it’s users tend to be very good about tagging images. So it can be so much easier to find photos of a specific place or object.
Google+- I know your like “Say what?” But Google+ is a great place to find photos. The first people to adopt Google+ as their social media of choice were photographers. It is so much more photo friendly than facebook or twitter and photographers take advantage of that. There are hashtags, communities and photo theme days.
CC Search- None of the photographers that I know would mind you using their pics for a vision board, but this site lets you search from a variety of places for images licensed under a Creative Commons license. You can put your search topic in the box and pick from one of resources to search.
Google Image Search- Last but not least is a good old fashioned image search. Just pop your search terms in to Google and scan through the images.
For me it tends to be pretty easy to find images, but if you are interested in creating a happier family situation or more successful business then you can still find images of laughing families, people in business suits smiling, or busy stores to put on your boards. Remember to have fun with it. What is your favorite place to get images?