There are all kinds of awe­some meta­phys­i­cal tools for man­i­fest­ing your dream life. Since we are enter­ing a new year so many peo­ple are set­ting New Years Res­o­lu­tions. As you look to how you want your life to look in the com­ing year here of five awe­some, witchy and woo woo ways to help you man­i­fest your dream life.

Med­i­tate- I know this one prob­a­bly seems like a no-brain­er, but so often we (and yep I mean me too,) don’t make the time in our day to med­i­tate. Mak­ing time to med­i­tate gives you so many options for man­i­fest­ing the life that you want. You can use it like a day dream, place your­self in your future life and feel how won­der­ful it will be when you accom­plish your goals. You can pro­gram a trig­ger in to your med­i­ta­tion prac­tice so that when you start to feel the neg­a­tiv­i­ty of day to day life come over you, you can use your trig­ger and calm your­self down, which makes switch­ing to hap­py thoughts much eas­i­er.  Even if you have prob­lems sit­ting and med­i­tat­ing keep chip­ping away at it and even­tu­al­ly it will come eas­i­ly to you. And in the mean­time try some­thing like Yin Yoga, which will still give you all the stress release and health ben­e­fits meditating.

Intend­ing- Stat­ing an inten­tion has been incred­i­bly suc­cess­ful for me. I am actu­al­ly a lit­tle ashamed of myself that I so often for­get to use it. Intend­ing is dif­fer­ent than an affir­ma­tion because most affir­ma­tions use the present tense. “I am…,” instead of “I intend…,” and while it seems like that shouldn’t be as effec­tive I’ve had way more luck with it than I’ve had with using affir­ma­tions. (Prob­a­bly because I almost nev­er remem­ber to keep say­ing the affir­ma­tions for more than a few days in a row.) With intend­ing I have lit­er­al­ly had the laws of physics bend to my will. The most obvi­ous time was a day that I had to work a late shift. 2:00 pm ‑11:00 pm. The high for that day was 27 degrees and it had rained all day long. I had set the inten­tion when I start­ed the job that I would nev­er have a hard time get­ting home from work, and rein­forced it often. I lucked out because I stayed so busy that I couldn’t focus on my fears of not being able to get home and hon­est­ly the fear wasn’t great because I could have just stayed there. (I was doing an inter­net job from my parent’s house.) Despite the fact that the tem­per­a­ture was well below freez­ing and it had been driz­zling rain all day long I had no trou­ble get­ting home. Even high­way over­pass­es were com­plete­ly ice free. The road to my house was total­ly iced over, but there was no oth­er traf­fic on the road and I was able to make it home with­out slid­ing once.  And that is only one exam­ple of inten­tions cre­at­ing a sit­u­a­tions that shouldn’t have happened.

Ask- Stop and ask your spir­it guides for guid­ance. That is what they are there for. Under­stand that get­ting an answer from your guides wont’ mean that every­thing will mag­ick­ally fall in to place, nor does it mean that you will always get an answer you want  but you don’t get any answers unless you ask. If you are still hav­ing prob­lems com­mu­ni­cat­ing with your spir­it guides go ahead and ask any­way, they will find a way to get you an answer. And there may be times they tell you that it doesn’t real­ly mat­ter if you take this path or that one. I’ve had that happen.

Vision Boards- I love vision boards! Mine is just a joy to look at. Full of pic­tures of beach­es, oceans and exot­ic places. There is also cam­era equip­ment and a new com­put­er (which hey I am typ­ing on one just like it now!) Vision boards can sur­prise you, my first boat was on my vision board and the boat I bought was iden­ti­cal to the images on my vision board, right down to the col­or of the uphol­stery and the stain of the wood.

Script­ing- I’ve heard of two dif­fer­ent types of script­ing. My favorite is writ­ing the future as though it has already hap­pened. When I do this I write as though I am jour­nal­ing and I go through the basics of my day and what I have been accom­plish­ing. This has had a very prac­ti­cal side ben­e­fit for me as the prac­tice of think­ing about what my future day would entail has giv­en me addi­tion­al insight into the things I have to pre­pare and accom­plish before mov­ing on board a boat.
The oth­er type of script­ing I’ve used and read about is a lot like writ­ten affir­ma­tions. Though they can be longer and more detailed since you won’t need to remem­ber them, or read them sev­er­al times a day.