The first Sun­day of May my cousin was killed. The first Sun­day of June my grand­fa­ther died. So I was a lit­tle freaked the first week of July. Com­pli­cat­ed by the fact that it involved a major hol­i­day and my aunt end­ed up in the hos­pi­tal with what seems like is basi­cal­ly the human ver­sion of bloat.

Though that is no excuse for ignor­ing you all and this blog. So while I will be feed­ing this week in addi­tion to work­ing I will also come back to post­ing reg­u­lar­ly. I actu­al­ly feel real­ly good about get­ting this back up and run­ning now. Before I was pan­icked, always wor­ry­ing over what to post and whether I would have enough  stuff to keep writ­ing for a while. I feel a sense of peace over that now. I guess there is so much more to post about, and I have plans for fix­ing the kayak to actu­al­ly get start­ed on train­ing Vivre. Plus I also have to get her mat train­ing going.

Wow, now I am wor­ried about hav­ing enough time. Which is kind of sil­ly because train­ing a click­er savvy dog makes train­ing pret­ty quick. Espe­cial­ly if you shape in small increments.

So I will have a new post going out this week and will be back to reg­u­lar­ly post­ing next week. I still haven’t rein­stalled my lin­ux par­ti­tion since my hard dri­ve crash, so the train­ing videos may take a bit longer. But that is okay.