I’m fond of say­ing that there isn’t a down­side to the Law of Attrac­tion. Because hon­est­ly even if we are all delud­ed and it does­n’t exist you still learn to focus on the pos­i­tive instead of the neg­a­tive and that can only improve your life. If noth­ing else it will low­er your stress lev­el and make you hap­pi­er and healthier.

But the truth is that there is a trap door in the Law of Attrac­tion. I’ve noticed peo­ple who plan to do absolute­ly noth­ing but try and vibrate pos­i­tive ener­gy and attract what they want and don’t plan to do any work for it. They don’t plan to help the ener­gy along with mun­dane means. I am far (far, far,) from an expert. I’m still feel­ing my way through this too, but in my expe­ri­ence it does­n’t work that way. Could it? Sure, espe­cial­ly if you are the Dali Lama, but for the rest of us mor­tals it will be much quick­er and truth­ful­ly I feel more valu­able if we have to work to help the pos­i­tive ener­gy along.

If you need to wash the side of a build­ing you can turn on the water hose and just stand at the faucet and point the hose. Or you can walk a lit­tle clos­er to the build­ing and let the force of the water knock the dirt lose. Both will even­tu­al­ly get the build­ing clean, but one will take a lot less time.

Yes, there have been sto­ries of monks man­i­fest­ing phys­i­cal things out of thin air. But that isn’t easy. And hon­esty I think it is impos­si­ble for the aver­age per­son liv­ing in Amer­i­ca today. It is hard to even have a con­ver­sa­tion with some­body that does­n’t end up with rid­dled with com­plaints. In fact I think one the most valu­able books to help peo­ple with the Law of Attrac­tion is No Com­plaints. The premise of the book is that you should try and go thir­ty days with­out com­plain­ing.  The pro­gram uses a bracelet that you switch from one wrist to the oth­er every time you com­plain. It is shock­ing to real­ized how often the lit­tle things we say, just by habit, are complaints.

So if you have a dream then get up off your couch and try and make it hap­pen. Don’t say “I should­n’t have to because I should be able to man­i­fest it.” Ener­gy flows along the path of least resis­tance and if you want it to flow to a cer­tain place then point the hose in that direc­tion and start walking.