It is 6:00 am and I’d say I man­aged a max of 2 hours of sleep last night. (Though I can usu­al­ly get to sleep around 7:00 am if I don’t have to work,) so I can only hope this isn’t total gibberish.

Every­body won­ders about the mean­ing of life right? I mean is there a point to it all?

Most of the peo­ple I know believe we are here to learn. I have a hard time with that. Not so much the learn­ing part as the part where we see our­selves as stu­pid chil­dren who have to learn enough to evolve out of liv­ing a phys­i­cal life. That implies a lev­el of sep­a­rate­ness with the uni­verse that I just don’t (per­son­al­ly) believe exists. So my the­o­ry is that we are here to expe­ri­ence. To expe­ri­ence phys­i­cal real­i­ty from dif­fer­ent points of view. I like to pic­ture an incred­i­ble cos­mic spring break.

But… if that is all there is to it then should we wor­ry about try­ing to make the world bet­ter while we are here? I think part of the rea­son that I have start­ed to get burned out in res­cue and envi­ron­men­tal edu­ca­tion is because while oth­ers can believe, “We are here to make a dif­fer­ence.” I can’t. I just feel like that is a bit arro­gant. To state that our expe­ri­ences are more right than some­one else’s bugs me. Even though on some lev­el I do believe it, because so many ani­mals are being hurt by the actions of humans.

The meat indus­try sup­ports not only the tor­ture (if you think I am being dra­mat­ic check out MFA’s info and videos) of ani­mals, but also caus­es seri­ous envi­ron­men­tal dam­age because peo­ple don’t know how hor­ri­ble the truth is.

All man­ner of ani­mals, espe­cial­ly sea tur­tles and sea birds  are being killed due to plas­tic pol­lu­tion, because plas­tic is so pro­lif­ic and lasts forever.

Peo­ple get rid of their pets because they didn’t research what they were get­ting in to, or the pets are no longer convenient.

Man I get to be such a down­er when I have had no sleep. One of the things that has been bug­ging me about the future is that I can’t pic­ture a life where I am not try­ing to some­how make the world bet­ter.  So some­how I need to come up with some­thing that I can do while liv­ing a more nomadic lifestyle. Any suggestions?